Isla’s New Best Friend

Posted by Karen in Bruno, Isla.
Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010 at 4:40 pm

Isla has recently fallen in love with Bruno. She stares at him all day long, smiles and giggles at him, and loves putting her hands in his fur or trying to grab his ears. It’s pretty adorable. See for yourself:

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9 Responses to “Isla’s New Best Friend”

  1. Mary Jo Says:

    OH MY GOSH! This is just so darn cute! I notice that Bruno is managing to keep a safe distance from her though. She just gets so excited when he comes close.

  2. Q Says:

    Well, what else can you expect from a Solas! Of course she loves Bruno.

    Thanks for posting videos, it’s really great to see her since I won’t be there in the flesh for a few months!

  3. Marianne Says:

    So cute! Her face just lights up when she sees him. Good thing Bruno’s such a sweetie because pretty soon he’s gonna get lots of hugs and tugs from Isla.

  4. Rick Says:

    Oh man, if she could move, she’d be all over Bruno! It’s gonna be fun to see their friendship evolve.

  5. Irene Says:

    Isla seems to be holding Bruno’s attention too! Human puppies are so fascinating!

  6. Laurel Says:

    O. M. G. Too cute for words!!! Bruno doesn’t seem too freaked out though, probably because he’s seen that exact same look in my eyes before. :)

  7. Cody Says:

    Wow. Cutest Solace in the bunch! I’m finally starting to see the point of Bruno . . . the babywhisperer! Keep up the good work team!

  8. Penny Says:

    This video is so darn cute. She is a cutie and Bruno is a trooper. They can both delight in each other!

  9. Penny Says:

    This video is so sweet. Isla is adorable. I know she and Bruno will be best of pals. He seemed so gentle and as interested in her as she in him.