Holiday Photos

Posted by Karen in Family, Food, Friends, Holidays/Birthdays/Etc, Isla.
Saturday, January 23rd, 2010 at 3:43 pm

Family Portait

Family portrait

Punky Brewster shoes

This was the one and only time Isla got to wear her Punky Brewster shoes, because they fit her for this one day only.


A lot of shortbread was made, and as the official shortbread judge, I declare this particular batch of Quentin’s was the best.

schpeck bread

For some reason, there were several equally odd pics of Quentin and I at Christmas dinner enjoying the bread made with speck (yummy bacon-like stuff Q brought back with him from Italy).

Ricky Story

Isla still really loves to have stories read to her!  Grandpa Ricky read to her all about a very hungry caterpillar.

making poutine

Nate & I decided sort of last-minute like to invite a few friends over for poutine & pints on New Year’s day.  Here he is making the delicious gravy, which we poured over plates of homemade fries topped with cheese curds.  Yummmm.

Poutine & Pints 2010

It ended up sort of being Babypalooza!  Look at all those kids!

lady friends & kids

We’re outnumbered ladies!

little bird

My favorite new outfit of Isla’s, which she was working on drenching in drool.


Isla’s first sled ride!  Well, actually, the snow was so wet and heavy that we really couldn’t pull it anywhere, so we just sat her in it in her waaaay too big snowsuit and took pictures of her.


Isla’s first snow man!

And the making of her first snowman:

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6 Responses to “Holiday Photos”

  1. Laurel Says:

    Yay!!!! I love blogs with pictures! Especially pictures of cute babies and delicious foodstuffs. Man, I totally left Minneapolis too early… To think if I’d only stayed a few more days, I wouldn’t have had to start the new year Poutine-less.

  2. Rick Says:

    Dittos on the Yay!!!! Such good times and fun memories. I hadn’t seen all these pix, so thanks for posting.

  3. Q Says:

    I miss you guys already! It was a wonderful Christmas and I can’t wait to see everyone again this summer.

  4. Mary Jo Says:

    These are great–about time we saw some new pictures. She has changed so much–we are so anxious to come and see her again. I must say, the snowman seems to be a little out of proportion though.

  5. Marianne Says:

    Such great pictures. It was a wonderful holiday!

  6. Troy Says:

    Love it!