Archive for the 'The Blog' Category

Poopy Team

Posted by Karen in Isla, The Blog, Weather.
Wednesday, December 9th, 2009 at 12:02 pm

Eating BaconThat’s what we should rename this blog, Poopy Team.  Because frankly, baby poo is all I talk about any more.

So this morning we woke to a few inches of snow, dropping temps and a mean wind, and promptly decided to both work from home.  But then our internets broke, making it so we couldn’t actually work.  Nate got on the phone with the tech people, who put him on hold and promised him a very long wait.  I was chilling with Isla on the couch, when suddenly she unleashed a monster poo.  Now at the time, she was only wearing a tiny, thin little contour diaper, for reasons you’re probably not interested in.  I had her sitting on top of anotheStockingr prefold diaper, just in case there was a poo incident.  At least… I thought I had her on top of the second diaper.  But wouldn’t you know, I sure didn’t.  And all that poo (and there was a lot, about 2 days’ worth) came shooting right out the side of her diaper ALLLLLLL OVER ME.  Nate put his phone down with the hold music on speaker phone and scooped Isla up to deal with her diaper situation.  I attempted to contain the poo explosioSocklessn on me with another diaper and started slowly making my way to the bathroom, but of course that was the moment someone picked up Nate’s call.  Somehow I managed to get his phone to him before they hung up on us, and not leave a trail of baby poo all through the house.  Half an hour later, all poo had been dealt with, and our internets was again working, though not because of the super un-helpful tech people.  Table walking

The thing about being covered in poo by 9am is, your day can only get better.

In other news, Isreadingla rolled over yesterday, from back to tummy.  None of this rolling from tummy to back first stuff for her.  She does what she wants.  And immediately after that achievement, she seemed to decide that big girls who can roll over require more constant entertainment.  No more hanging out happily in her swing, thank you very much, and the mirror ball thing that used to be so fascinating is now so last week.  Rolling Over Isla prefers to be very involved in whatever you’re doing, unless whatever you’re doing is B-O-R-I-N-G, in which case her various toys might bMarchinge cool for about 5 minutes each, or you could sing her a song and do a little dance, but your dance had better be good.  But this is how it goes.  Any time we start to get a groove, she’s like “oh you think you’ve got me figured out, eh?  Sounds like it’s time for me to bust out a whole new bag of tricks.”  Well I say bring it baby.  Let’s see what you got. goes green!

Posted by Nate in Consumers, The Blog.
Friday, May 4th, 2007 at 1:07 pm

green5.png… or rather, the company hosting goes green!  DreamHost announced on Earth Day that they are now carbon neutral – which is fantastic, considering they were using the energy equivalent of 545 average homes!  Read more about their efforts here, including using AMD’s more efficient processors and more.

Bloggity Blog Info

Posted by Nate in Family, The Blog.
Monday, February 19th, 2007 at 10:26 am

So, looks like Feedshake underwent an upgrade and broke the combined Schroeder blog feed.  The Walker must have just dodged the bullet, we were using Feedshake to provide combined feeds to our homepage and others – and those pages break terribly if the feed stops working.  Luckily I rewrote the Walker scripts to bring them in-house a few weeks (a month?) ago and it’s working great, so I just adapted them to the Schroeder blog feed as well:

Also wrote a plugin so Duoteam images should come through the RSS even if they’re uploaded weird.  Sorry for the hassle.  Now that it’s on Feedburner it should keep the same URL forever, even if I have to move things around again.  Enjoy!

Holy new blog!

Posted by Nate in The Blog.
Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006 at 3:08 pm

Announcing as the new and improved online headquarters of DuoTeam.  Please, please, please update your links — a script on the old blog will continue to try to pull people over here, and if you subscribed directly to our old atom feed (not feedburner) please update your link to  That one will be permanent, as hopefully everyone on it is getting this post via RSS already.

Whew.  Keep an eye out for bugs and let me know in the comments here, k?

Now maybe we can get back to posting!

One year ago today…

Posted by Nate in The Blog.
Saturday, July 1st, 2006 at 1:03 pm

A blog was born.

Blog news!

Posted by Nate in Family, The Blog.
Saturday, December 10th, 2005 at 12:46 pm

I realized the majority of the Schroeder family was now blogging (if you count travelpod, which I do), and realized there was a neat trick we’re using at work that would mike life easier for us all. If you’re using an aggregator (FeedReader, RSS Owl, or web-based Bloglines, even Google), you can now subscribe to one single combined Schroeder feed! Everything’s in there, new posts will automatically appear, and it’s all in chronological order! Even the travelpod entries!

It’s available at:

Check it out. It’s really cool. It’s like a combined Schroeder life journal, only better.

Color switcheroo

Posted by Karen in The Blog.
Monday, December 5th, 2005 at 10:20 pm

Our regular readers may have noticed the color change in our posts. Nate is the only one with format-changing capabilities on this here blog (so much for the "Duo" in "Duo Team". Although I guess he should get to be boss of something besides the basement), and for some crazy reason he initially made my posts blue, his posts red, when I’m always red. I mean what was he thinking? But enough concentrated whining on my part and the situation has finally been rectified. Phew. "First you ask to be red, knowing I’m always red." Name that movie. Hint:

Paint update

Posted by Nate in Home Improvements, The Blog.
Thursday, November 24th, 2005 at 12:19 pm

I got the tape off the walls pretty cleanly Wednesday morning. I did end up using an exacto knife to help – I was having almost the opposite problem as Tuesday night, the tape was tearing because the paint was sticking so well to the wall and tape. But that ended up being easier to deal with and created very few spots needing touchup.

In response to the comments on the last post: Yeah, I think I knew I should be taking the tape off between coats but that really seemed like a huge pain because of all the edges involved… But now there’s a different pain, so maybe it would have been worth it.

I think if I had to do it over again I would leave the tape on like this time but paint the edges with an edging brush and try to keep the paint off the tape as much as I could. That’s really where the issue was, too much paint bridging between the wall and the tape…

As for images in the RSS, I’ll have to dig in a bit and see – it’s a bug in Blogger or Feedburner if they’re not showing up. Or your aggregator? Weird.

Blog updates

Posted by Nate in The Blog.
Wednesday, October 26th, 2005 at 11:35 am

A few cosmetic changes to the blogs – my posts now appear in this nice brownish/red color, and Karen’s appear in a sort of blue. Should make it easy to tell at a glance that while Karen’s posts are long, they are few and far between. (Just kidding, Karen! Ha ha!)

Retroactive blogging

Posted by Nate in The '05 Move, The Blog.
Friday, August 19th, 2005 at 10:02 am

I went back and added text to go with the photos of our move, just to give a little context. And now I’m writing about writing, boring, but I thought I’d throw a new post out to draw attention to the previous ones beingupdated. Done. Karen keeps promising to blog – "real soon". I dare you to hold your breath. (Actually, don’t. She’s out of town for a wedding tonight, driving back tomorrow, then leaving Sunday for a week long trip in the Boundary Waters, so… definitely don’t hold your breath.)