Posted by Nate in Bruno, Foraging, Malarkey, Mushrooms.Sunday, May 10th, 2009 at 8:07 pm
Two big achievements in my life recently that need some attention on the blog:
- We launched ArtsConnectEd last Monday, and it’s still running today! This being Mother’s Day, you should absolutely go check out the Art Collector Set dedicated to images of mothers in art. Very well done.
- I found almost a pound of morels today!!!
Ok, that needs some qualification: Karen found them. But I was coming that direction, and I totally would have seen them. Really.
It was pretty exciting, since we’d spent almost 2 hours at the secret location tramping through the woods and coming up empty. (I think in general it’s still a bit early for this area, and we need some warmer weather before things go crazy.) Then we drove to another part of the secret location just to check it out, and within 10 minutes we hit the jackpot!
I’m still learning where and how to look, and trying to figure out what trees and state of decay to be looking for, but these were by some small elms right on the edge of a trail. The area seems to get good direct sun, which sort of makes me think I’m right that it’s just too soon for the shaded woods. But now I know a few good spots in the woods to check…
So for dinner we enjoyed a small feast of chicken strips on pasta covered with an incredible morel cream sauce. Yum city!!!
Finally, since this is still how we run things on the Duoteam blog, here’s a bonus shot of Bruno in the woods looking damn handsome in a little clearing of flowers.
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