Tonsillectomy: Day 0

Posted by Nate in Tonsillectomy.
Tuesday, December 18th, 2007 at 8:29 pm

Well, we’re back, and the surgery went fine.  Six hours in the hospital is draining even if you’re not the one being operated on, so I’m trying to mentally multiply my fatigue and stress by 100x and then pretending I’m in pain AND drugged up and achy: that’s gotta be close to what K is feeling.  Actually I’m pretty impressed so far – not because I thought she’d be a wimp about it, but because she’s eating some real food!  A popsicle, of course, first thing, but then she wanted some mashed potatoes!  And now that she’s taken some more meds she’s talking about another round, maybe some jello this time!

So, this is super encouraging to me, since my biggest recovery goals are hydration and nutrition.  (I’m assuming the rest will take care of itself).  So far so good!

Thanks to everyone for their calls and offers of help and support.  Karen would thank you if she could, and I certainly do!

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2 Responses to “Tonsillectomy: Day 0”

  1. troy Says:

    Karren is a Rockstar!! I am glad to hear she is getting some food in already. Hang in there Nate, your job ain’t easy either. I am pulling for both of you!!!

  2. Peter Says:

    glad to hear Karen’s doing okay — hang in there! give a call if we can help with anything.