I woke up Friday morning feeling, as Juliana would put it, trundle-bundled. I kept telling myself it was just allergies, but by the time I biked my sorry self in to work, I realized I was actually feeling pretty miserable. So I grabbed my laptop and turned around and biked home. And proceeded to rapidly deteriorate till Nate was left with a whining, sniffling, sneezing Jabba the Hutt-like blob on his hands. He was a real champ, even bought me ice cream and cheezy poofs! Aww.
So my big plans to get everything in the world done on Friday didn’t happen, grr. With all the weekend work events I have, my free weekends are like gold to me and I pack them full of yard and house projects, hiking, bike riding, and other ways of making the most out of being healthy and living in a kick-ass city. A summer cold has no place in these plans. Sigh. At least I had the weekend off and didn’t have to be tromping around a prairie or something, but why does it seem like colds often wait for the weekend to rear their ugly head?
In spite of feeling pretty crappy, today was a good day. Wanna hear about it? Ok. Nate started us off right by making these crazy delicious fresh fruit brioche muffins.
On a side note, we are watching C
asey Jones the black lab this weekend. Long-time readers may recall that the last time we watched him, the overall mood was something like this:
Well, these boys are much older and wiser now… and lazi
er! I mean, they still have some of the rough and tumble in them, but last time there was no sleeping! It was non-stop Wrestle-Mania! It’s actually kind of nice. We had hoped this would also mean that Casey had grown out of some of his naughtiness. But the first night he ate the rest of the loaf of spinach parmesan bread Nate had made off the counter. And last night he somehow opened the container of brioche dough Nate had just made and ate a big chunk of it! You do not mess with a man and his brioche dough. Seriously. Luckily we caught him before he ate it all, or Nate might hav
e taken inspiration from the movie we were watching, Sweeney Todd, and turned him into a meat pie!
Ok, moving on. For lunch I made us these delicious salads with spinach from our first CSA veggie delivery! I also used chives, nasturtium flowers , and lime mint from our window box. And we had cheese and crackers, with cheese Nate made from one of our batches of yogurt. It’s been a good food day so far.
I did my best to not be a total slug and ended up getting quite a bit of yard and garden work done, but Nate worked
his boo-tay off today and tore down our freaking shed! Brother Dean recently gave us a sawzall, you know, because he had an extra one (?!?). We had explored the idea of trying to give the thing away, but it was so old and all the bolts were so rusted that it wasn’t really take-apart-able. In the
end Nate decided there were enough people on Craigs List looking for scrap metal that he would just cut the thing apart, stick it in the alley, and post it. And now behold, the shedless zone. Oh, the possibilities… It may not look like much right now, but just you wait!
And one more thing – HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVE!
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