Babyfest ’08

Posted by Nate in Bruno, Friends.
Monday, June 2nd, 2008 at 8:50 pm

20080602194235_pict0005.jpgBruno was kept extremely busy tonight checking on all the babies and making sure their faces were never more than a few seconds away from a healthy doggy-lick.

Lilyana on the left, the youngest of the group, is luckily well-versed in doggy lick acceptance — they have a very friendly dog of their own.
Frances and Ayla managed to avoid most of the licking with their superior bipedal skills and masterful piano duet.

20080602194256_pict0009.jpgNot satisfied with her reception from the piano solo, Frances decided to show off by donning 20080602194247_pict0006.jpga pair of adult shoes and going for a stroll.

Someday, kiddo, someday all too soon…  :)

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4 Responses to “Babyfest ’08”

  1. Q Says:

    That is way too cute for my health!

  2. Rick Says:

    Those are some mighty fine looking babies! I love the shot of Frances and Ayla at the piano – beautiful smiles.

  3. Marianne Says:

    Awwww! Bruno must have loved having those cute baby faces to lick. How could he resist?

  4. Madeline Says:

    Thanks for the super fun time, great company and fabulous food!!