We’re getting married!

Posted by Nate in Wedding.
Wednesday, September 5th, 2007 at 1:29 pm

It’s a good thing this wedding is finally happening this weekend — just ask our bosses!  It’s been getting increasingly hard to put the blinders on at work and get things done when every third thought in my head lately is "hey, did we remember to…"

But it’s definitely happening, and we’re definitely crazy excited about it!  The packing lists are almost done, the last minute shopping is happening, final emails being sent, programs printed, the beer is kegged and unfairly delicious, and … a few surprises as well!

The weather looks chilly for sure – especially compared to the heat we’ve had the last few days – but we’re crossing our fingers for a nice enough day on Saturday.  The Friday BBQ may happen under the tent instead of under the stars, and we’ve got a contingency plan for the rest so I think we’ll be set.  It’s really (finally) starting to transition from crazy-hectic-nervous into genuine anticipation and excitement.

A big bloggy thank-you to my parents and Steve who have been our personal slaves the last few days, helping out while we worked, and generally keeping us fed and sane.  No way could we have pulled this off without them.  And a big thanks to Karen’s parents for all their support, as well, it’s really helped out…  In fact, thanks to everyone who’s offered to help, and I’m only sorry we weren’t smarter about handing off jobs…  Next ti – oh, wait…  :)

And finally, thanks to all the boys who (literally) kidnapped me from the State Fair Sunday night and made sure I could barely get out of bed Monday.  Free tip, to all the still-bachelors out there: if you insist on having the scotch, don’t drink the tequila later.  Oh, oh, man.

See you on the North Shore!!!

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3 Responses to “We’re getting married!”

  1. aunt patsy & uncle jerry Says:

    Dear karen and Nate! We have been with you in spirit all day and especially this afternoon during your wedding cere-
    mony. Congratulations!
    By now you are all gathered together for your wedding dinner and reception. Enjoy! Nate did you bring your
    “magical” tambourine? I say “magical” because when we have
    seen you dance with a tambourine you step so quickly and
    fluently it almost looks like you are dancing a bit above the floor! You will sweep Karen right off her feet!
    We will look forward to hearing all the details of your
    days together from Rick and Mar when they return home.
    Warmest wishes to you both,Karen and Nate,as you travel
    life’s journey together as wife and husband.
    love from aunt Patsy and Uncle Jerry

  2. aunt patsy & uncle jerry Says:

    ooops! these thoughts were started yesterday but I did not
    submit til now…sorry!

  3. troy Says:

    Super fun, super sweet,,, Duo Team, I offer much love and thanks for a great weekend!