Tonsillectomy, day 4: bacon!

Posted by Nate in Tonsillectomy.
Saturday, December 22nd, 2007 at 9:24 pm

Quick update since we’re tired and heading to bed soon, but thought I’d post to keep everyone in the loop.

Sierra came by this morning to walk the dog – what a trooper! – and called on her way over to see if we wanted anything.  I figured we were fine, but I asked Karen just in case, and the answer was immediate: Bacon!  But, it had to be "good" bacon, from happy pigs.  Or, at least antibiotic-free and mostly free-range pigs.  :)

So we fried up that bacon and ate like royalty – yum!  At this point, the mere mention of her thinking about food makes me jump up all excited and offer to cook it for her – and today was good, she ate a bunch.  Good deal.

This morning she was droopy, nauseous, and in pain, and then had a fairly good afternoon as we labeled and wrote notes for our Christmas beer delivery.  Tonight’s been decent – hurting a bunch before her 8:00pm drugs, now finishing up some ice cream and watching an episode of Lost.

Overall, day 4 wasn’t the downturn I expected – fingers crossed for tomorrow!

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2 Responses to “Tonsillectomy, day 4: bacon!”

  1. Laurel Says:

    Hmm, ‘bacon’ was not a word I expected to hear in a tonsillectomy recovery report.. :) But I’m glad to hear the 4th day was better than you anticipated!

  2. troy Says:

    yeah bacon!!!