Going abroad, Mead, and Marathons

Posted by Nate in Family, Homebrewing, Travel.
Wednesday, October 18th, 2006 at 12:02 pm

Whoa.  Kind of a lot happened in the last few days, and lots more coming!

We just booked our tickets to visit my brother in Scotland and Karen’s brother in Ghana!  Going to be a whirlwind two-week trip in January…  Super exciting, I’ve been to England and Ireland but never Scotland, and definitely never Africa.

Early this morning I started a batch of mead that if all goes well will be used for the toast(s) at our wedding.  It uses cranberry honey and I threw in about 4# of frozen cranberries – the hope is the tartness will balance out any residual sweetness, and coupled with high carbonation it should be very champagne-like and delicious.  I didn’t chop or otherwise mess with the cranberries which may end up being a mistake, we’ll see how much flavor comes through in a few weeks and maybe I’ll add some more.  The guidelines I’m following say you can go up to 8#, so I’ve got some wiggle room…  Anyway, I’ve been stressing because time is getting short for aging and especially for all the work involved with the méthode champenoise.  (read here, scroll down a bit)  High hopes for this batch, fingers crossed!

Finally, we’re going to Chicago this weekend to cheer my sister on in her first marathon (and her b/f Freddie).  Whoa, indeed.  My knee is improving, but I’m still nowhere near jogging, let alone a freaking marathon!  So I can’t quite relate to that distance except that it seems really far…  Good luck, kids!

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4 Responses to “Going abroad, Mead, and Marathons”

  1. Q Says:

    Yay craziness! I can’t wait to have you guys come visit! You’ll have to let me know what stuff you wanna see and I’ll find the “best of.” Or I’ll just show you to a pub and pick you up in a week! Exciting about the mead too, I can’t beleive I’ll be coming home just to go into another crazy vacation/wedding!

  2. Rick Says:

    Yahoo for all the travels and family time! What a blast. and I haven’t even asked about your knee (sorry!), so am glad to hear it is improving. And the mead sounds super yummy. That and some homebrew and some of our wine and we will have a real homemade blast!

  3. Laurel Says:

    Wow! That’s gonna be a great trip, and a whirlwind for sure! Those brews sound pretty amazing, mmm.. I can’t wait to see you guys this weekend. I can’t believe it’s that soon, Freddie and I will be running a marathon in exactly 3 days, 15 hours and 33 minutes! Yikes! Bring us a beer so we have something to run towards..:)

  4. AlecsTrunkin Says:

    Добрый день

    Нуждаюсь в информации,с кем то советоваться из знакомых кажется не так поймут,поэтому решил на форуме.Мне уже 18 лет но у меня до сих пор не было девушки с которой у меня был секс, девочки знакомые были но как дело доходит до сексуальной близости я теряюсь и не знаю что говорить,мне кажется она не так поймет меня и убежит.Слышал у многих ребят первый сексуальный опыт был с проституткой,вот и я думаю может обратиться за помощью к проститутки и она поможет мне раскрепостится,научит как вести себя в постели с подружкой.Наверное многие били в моей ситуации и пользовались услугами проститутки москвы ,отпишитесь у кого есть опыт в общении с проститутками будет ли толк.Буду рад любой информации.

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