Archive for the 'Wedding' Category

Riddling the mead!

Posted by Nate in Homebrewing, Wedding.
Tuesday, June 12th, 2007 at 7:55 pm

pict3378.JPGYou will need: 1. Leftover board from… some project…  2. Hole saw and drill bit for guide.  3.  Test bottle of water.  4.  Beer (full).

pict3379.JPGYou will end up with:  1.  A riddling rack with too many holes.  2.  A bent drill bit.  3.  Test bottle of water.  4.  Beer (almost empty).

pict3389.JPGIt’s as easy as that, my friends.  All that’s left is to get the mead in place, put a dab o’ paint on the 12 o’clock position so I know where I’m rotating that day, and start "riddling."  (thanks for the links, Rick!)  In a few months I’ll tackle disgorging, which will certainly be an adventure…

pict3374.JPGTwo bonus pics: happy puppy playdate in CO, and this incredible spider web in our house.  That little guy’s like an eighth of an inch across, pict3385.JPGand we watched him build this amazing tiny web so we decided he could stay for now…

Coming up:  I think I found the perfect solution to our outdoor sound system needs!

Wedding thoughts

Posted by Nate in Wedding.
Monday, June 11th, 2007 at 12:58 pm

The day of reckoning draws ever nearer!  And while we’re not going to blog about everything we’re up to so there will be some surprises, we’ll try to keep the updates coming as things progress.

  • Built most of the riddling rack for the sparkling mead for the toast.  No, it doesn’t look that good.  :)
    • Found out it’s possible – easy, in fact! – to bend a drill bit while using a hole saw if your alignment is off in the chuck.
  • Article in Slate today about engagement rings – the history (when and why did diamond rings become the de facto standard?), the gender inequality (why just the woman?), and more.
    • It’s interesting how ingrained the idea of the engagement ring is, it seems like one of those things we do "because it’s a tradition", but it’s really a pretty modern invention… (And, like Valentine’s day, encouraged in no small part by businesses with a heavy stake in perpetuation this "tradition".)
    • We didn’t do the diamond ring thing, but I still wish I’d read this article last year for some other insights and maybe would have forgone the ring altogether or gotten us each one.  Hmm.
  • Uh oh.  Speaking of rings, Bruno’s hoping Karen doesn’t see this.
  • A bunch of articles about last name changes, from the I’m-a-woman-writing-this-so-it’s-not-really-chauvinistic-when-I say-the-man-should-lead-you view to a more objective rundown of options, and finishing with the latest trends and a note about the legal system:
    • "Only seven states now allow a man who wishes to alter his name after his wedding to do so without going through the laborious, frequently expensive legal process set out by the courts for any name change. Women don’t have to do so."
    •   Huh.  Complicated.
  • Oh, and a bunch of top secret fun stuff.  :)

Wedding Planning

Posted by Nate in Bruno, Wedding.
Tuesday, May 29th, 2007 at 8:03 pm

pict3312.JPGHad a blast this weekend up on the North Shore of Lake Superior — we would normally avoid it on a popular holiday weekend, but it ended up being basically the only weekend we could squeeze it in.  And we really needed to research / start to flesh out some of the wedding plans.

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pict3332.JPGIn the video you can see Mr. Man exploring the lake and the beach.  He was pretty shy about the water at first but really enjoyed — drinking only, no swimming for this guy yet! — the rivers and streams running into the lake.  pict3311.JPGNext is a clip of this cluster (herd?  pack?) of swallowtails all landing in the same area – it was right where a car normally would park, so I’m hoping it was some naturally occurring mineral deposit and not antifreeze they were after.  Pretty cool, anyway.  Finally, looks like there’s been a change of plans and Karen has to marry Bruno now.  Hee hee.

The first night we were scheduled to meet with Michael and Maureen, the innkeepers at the Cascade Lodge, so we put Bruno in his kennel in our cabin and headed down.  Just as we reached the lodge Karen remembered she’d forgot the walnut bread we meant to give to them as a gift, so I ran back up to the cabin to get it.  As I got near the cabin I could hear Boo Boo crying, and at first I thought he was just howling since he was alone — really crazy, since he’s never made a peep like that since we got him.

pict3310.JPGI got to the door and could see inside to the kennel and realized he was crying so hard because his face had gotten stuck in the door of the kennel!!  I almost broke the door down getting in and quickly saw that he’d somehow tried to push the door open and gotten his nose out, and now his lower canine tooth was hooked on the metal door which was smashing the rest of his face back into the hard plastic.  He couldn’t close his mouth so he was drooling and crying and panicking really bad and I couldn’t seem to get his tooth unhooked or get the door open.  Karen arrived and tried to calm him down while I worked on the door and eventually got it open.  The poor little guy!!!  It was really, really terrible seeing him like that, totally stuck and freaking out and in pain.

pict3317.JPGIt turned out that in transit the metal latch on the door had bent and wasn’t properly closing on the top half so he was able to pry it open a bit.  I fixed it, but we decided to let him stay in the room without the kennel for the rest of the trip, after his bad experience with it…  Whew.

The meeting with Michael and Maureen went extremely well, even better than we could have hoped.  They’re great people, loved the bread, and it turns out he’s a homebrewer!  Not much lately since they’ve been busy, but in the past, and he was raving about the water from their well being the best for brewing.  I think I heard them mention it had even crossed their mind at one point to open a brewpub in the restaurant and I told them to sign me up!!  Heh.  First things first, but man would that be awesome!

pict3305.JPGHopefully Karen will post with more details, I want to wrap this up before it becomes a novel.  In short, great weekend, great place, very relaxing and fun, and some fantastic progress on the wedding planning process!  Sneak peak on the right:  I snuck up a bottle of the sparkling cranberry mead and we sampled it.  Fan.  Tas.  Tic.  Awesome.

Wedding Reconnaissance

Posted by Karen in Bruno, Wedding.
Tuesday, July 4th, 2006 at 6:37 pm

Well, well, well. Look who’s found her way back to blogland. Pardon my mysterious absence. I won’t bore you with details of the hole digging, dump truck driving, and hay slinging that has been keeping me so busy. Instead, I’ll just tell you about the 3 DAYS I HAD OFF – IN A ROW!!!!! YEEEEE HAAAA!!!! After a lovely but too short visit from the Pinolera, some soccer action, a brief reunion with the Caveman and his sweet lady friend (who, by the by, both just moved back to Mpls – yesssssssss), and a bout with some strange stomach demon that briefly possessed Nate, we decided to make for the north shore.

We managed to book a pet-friendly room at the last minute at Caribou Highlands in Lutsen, and we were off. Our mission: to decide where and how to do this whole wedding thing. No small task, to be sure. Particularly for, how do you say, "non-traditional" folks such as ourselves. On our previous visit, we went up and back in a day, which allowed us just enough time to check out one place that we were hoping would be the complete package. Alas, it was not. Though we loved so much about it, it was just too small for the hundreds and thousands of people we wanted to invite.

This time, we had done some more research on the internets, and had several places we wanted to check out. One option was to still do the ceremony at the place we had already looked at and to stay there, but to find another place for the reception. And that led us to Papa Charlie’s. This would be expensive, but ohhhhhh could we ever throw one hell of a party here! Tempting, very tempting. But they won’t let us bring outside food OR alcohol. Since Nate can’t quite figure out how to make the Kegenator a groomsman, we were hoping to at least have a keg or two of homebrew at the reception to represent, you know?

Then we checked out this other pretty sweet idea, getting hitched on top of a mountain (cue the laughter from the Colorado dwellers) overlooking the largest body of freshwater by surface area on the face of the planet. And with views like above, and this:

it was hard to resist. But the place itself had issues and really wasn’t that cool. Everyone would have to ride a gondola to get up the mountain, which we thought would add an extra adventure to the whole deal. But while Nate and Bruiser were having a great time riding the thing, I was trying hard not to vomit, and this led us to think of what it would be like riding that thing down the mountain after having a few drinks at the reception. Blech.

Then an idea was posed to us by a guy at the original place of interest to do a tent thing for the reception, as a couple had just that weekend. But I’ve so been at that wedding like 3 times.

In the end, Bruno and I sat down and talked the whole thing over, and he had some very insightful things to say. He’s so wise for his one and a half years. His advice was to have a much smaller and more private affair on the north shore, and then to throw a bigger, more casual party here at like Town Hall or something, where we could invite the hundreds and thousands of people we want to celebrate with. That way, we don’t inconvenience all the people who don’t know us as well by making them drive 4 hours up north, we just inconvenience those who are closest to us. Perfect. And that way, the original place of interest could work. Well, that dog gave us some good things to think about, and we actually think we’ve got a rough plan worked out. Now to work out the details, make the reservations, drop some cash, etc. etc. And until that’s done, I leave you on the edge of your seat.

Duoteam Q & A

Posted by Nate in Holidays/Birthdays/Etc, Wedding.
Friday, June 9th, 2006 at 10:47 pm

  • What year were the members of Duoteam born?
    • 1977
      • The same year Star Wars came out.
  • What’s Nate doing at work these days?
  • And Karen?
    • Digging, planting, mulching, driving a dump truck, etc.
  • Does Duoteam speak of itself in the third person?
    • Yes. It does.
  • Is it true you have an 8-tap kegerator in your basement?
    • Yes.
  • How’s your garden doing?
    • Really well. The tomato plants are HUGE, the pumpkin is growing like a maniac, and the cucumbers started slow but are putting on a strong showing. Not to mention the out of control rhubarb, exciting raspberries, chili peppers, dill, and basil. Great stuff.
  • What’s Bruno been eating lately that he shouldn’t?
    • Mulch from the rain garden.
  • How long have you been engaged?
    • About an hour.
  • How’s that working out for you?
    • Awesome!
  • Can I see the ring?
  • Did Karen really pick out that ring while travelling in the Orkney Islands a few years ago?
    • Totally.
  • And Nate went there to get it?
    • No. He got it on the internets.
  • Is that cheating?
    • No.
  • So, engaged. Yay?
    • YAY!!