Wedding 2.0 Launch and Upgrade

Posted by Nate in Wedding.
Thursday, July 12th, 2007 at 6:32 pm

As I imagine all our readers know by now, we just launched Wedding 2.0 (beta), a fun interactive wedding website.  Why have just one day of fun when there’s so much to go around??

As any of you know who tried to play "Dress Nate", there were some problems with the third-party script and server I was using to drive the dragging and image generation.  That won’t do!  I rewrote the script to run locally and it’s super sweet, much easier to use now I believe — and if there are problems I can fix them instead of just hoping they go away.  Let me know how it goes.


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One Response to “Wedding 2.0 Launch and Upgrade”

  1. Mary Jo Says:

    Works great now Nate–way to go! If you want something done right, you just have to do it yourself.