Bike route + Google maps = awesome!

Posted by Nate in Bike Commuting, Day to Day.
Monday, April 17th, 2006 at 9:58 pm

So I’ve been biking to work for a week now, and I gotta say I love it: it’s really everything it should be and then some. It helps that most of my ride is on the awesome greenway, but even the city parts aren’t bad. In fact, the whole city somehow seems different from a bike – from the random encounters with a colleague from the MIA on the same route home, to the totally different spatial awareness. Some things that are far in a car are near on a bike, and some places that a car can get you quick become a huge chore on a bike…

Remember when google maps came out? And everyone was like "whoa…"? I do. One of the first apps I found that used the (at the time unpublished) API to create a new and cool application was a pedometer that let you map your route and it would tell you how far you’d gone. Well, it’s hit the prime time: it can do elevation too! Here’s the long route I normally take, here’s the short route I can take if I need to get there in a hurry. It’s a fun tool, because it confirms what I suspected – it really is downhill going home on the greenway! Too bad there’s a big hill in both routes – there’s no good way to get to work without hitting one. Ah well, in the morning I’m fresher and can handle it, and after work it’s the first thing I hit and then it’s all downhill — unless the wind is blowing east to west, like it was today. That makes a bigger difference than you think…

In other DuoTeam scorekeeping:

  1. Bruno ate a big knuckle bone Saturday, had terrible(!!!) gas Saturday night and Sunday, puked twice and had to go out twice Sunday night, and then unleashed terrible diarrhea and pee all over the office while we were at work on Monday. Karen gets 800 points for having most of it cleaned by the time I got home.
  2. I got a Zip-It Drain Cleaner and went to town on our slow-draining bathroom sink and tub, and pulled out more gross things than you can imagine. Even still, this was only worth about 20 points.
  3. I’ll leave it to her to post details if she wants, but Karen’s grad school advisor can’t be out of our lives soon enough for me. Rhymes with "totally bipolar and a terrible person". Negative 4000 points for her.

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2 Responses to “Bike route + Google maps = awesome!”

  1. Rick Says:

    I’d never seen the google pedometer tool. I tried it and mapped my bike route, it’s cool! but the elevation part is down right now, so I’ll have to get back and try it again later to see what the elevation difference is.

    On a side note, we bottled the shiraz last night and we liked it even better than the merlot. Next up is the Spanish Rioja!

  2. m Says:

    I just found out a lot more neat stuff about Minneapolis! (I think the Google stuff looks great too, but since I walk the same route to the dam and back, I had less to investigate there.) From the Greenway site I discovered the Midtown Public Market, which is sponsored by the Corcoran Neighborhood Assocciation. It looks super cool. From the Market site I checked out the ArtCar Gallery, which sounds like too much fun! I also read that the Corcoran Neighborhood Association has as a goal to support a Community Restorative Justice Program. You guys picked a great neighborhood!