Run, DAMNU, Run!!!!

Posted by Nate in Family.
Saturday, May 5th, 2007 at 10:05 am

damnu.jpgWell, they’re at it again: my rockstar sister and Freddie are choosing to blow a perfectly good Sunday morning by running down through the lovely Poudre Canyon and finishing in awesome downtown Ft. Collins.  Actually, that doesn’t sound half bad, and after watching the cool flythrough and photo video at the main site, I’m officially jealous that I won’t be there to cheer them on.  And a little emotional about the whole thing…  My mom says she cries at parades, well, I cry at marathons.  Something about those poor, stupid bastards running their little hearts out just gets me.  They’ve got the heart of a champion.

giddyup.jpgSo, here are these signs to cheer you on!  I don’t think they got quite enough play last time, and unfortunately these are the best pictures I have…  Jason made the green one and ran out of room for "you", hence "damnu."  Perfect.  The orange one (which I made) has a sweet little pony on the left and the world’s gayest cowboy on the right – he has a shiny Texas-shaped belt buckle and sparkly spurs, and he’s saying "Hot to Trot!"  For real.

Go get em, Lobo & FroYoHoCho!

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4 Responses to “Run, DAMNU, Run!!!!”

  1. Karen Says:

    Whooooa there, little buddy. I distinctly remember starting that sign off with the "Giddyup Lobo & Froyohocho", which inspired you to draw the world’s gayest cowboy, which inspired me to draw the sweet little pony.  Credit stealer. 


  2. Laurel Says:

    Thanks for the good luck wishes, Nate and Karen! I’ll picture those signs in my head when the going gets tough. Somewhere in the back of my mind I’ll hear “Run, DAMNU, Ruuuuuun!” or see the world’s gayest cowboy, and I will run as fast as my little Lobo legs can carry me. Love you guys!

  3. MJ Says:

    Better watch that guy Karen–pretty soon he’ll be taking credit for the rain garden and a “garlic mustard” free river area.

  4. Troy Says:

    Uh… I am so not sure who to address! Damn detoxing, so unfocused! Go Laurel and Freddie! Go Duoteam! Giddyup one and all! I like the picture of Cody on the sign! Who’s gay? Hmmm….