Bender to Rem… ah, you know

Posted by Nate in Family, Holidays/Birthdays/Etc.
Thursday, January 5th, 2006 at 2:25 pm

Whew. Where has the Duo Team been? All around. It’s been a hectic but awesome holiday "break" for both of us. A la LSchroe, here’s some stats on the trip:

Hours driving round-trip


Trained pigs seen


Brewery tasting rooms visited


Beers consumed during party

5 ft3 of empties

Lakes visited while snowshoeing


Brewpubs visited


Jigsaw puzzles completed


Sisters pushed into the snow


Piñatas broken


Weight gained

1-3 lbs each

Hours spent watching the dogs wrestle


Pictures taken


Good times had

Did they ever stop??

A few of those may be slightly off, we’ll see when the offical numbers come in.

… In other news, the Pinolera is visiting Duo Team World Headquarters for the next few weeks, and we’ve already wasted no time getting the important things done. That is, brewing beer, and taking her to our favorite brewpub. I’m hoping to set up a guest blogging account for her and she can post some pictures of the historic brother-sister brew session…

Much love to the family and all friends, hope everyone is doing great! I promise to get back on the blogging track with some fun stuff soon!

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3 Responses to “Bender to Rem… ah, you know”

  1. m Says:

    I’d say those numbers are fairly accurate, as a quick estimate :-). I suppose we could add knuckles gnawed 1, no, 2, given the return trip.

    We are still enjoying some homebrew from Duo Team World Headquarter and feeling full of happy memories.

    We gave our friend Edgar the Edgar Lager today and he declared it his new favorite beer (without even tasting it!).

  2. Rick Says:

    Great post! Yea, let’s get back to some blogging action!

  3. MJ Says:

    How about seeing some of those 326 pictures?